The Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège is continuing its fruitful collaboration, which has been ongoing for many years, with two essential music teaching institutions in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation: the Conservatoire Royal de Liège (CRLg) and the Namur Institut royal de Musique et de Pédagogie (IMEP) music academies.

While both of these institutions provide a high level of training in singing or playing an instrument, the Opera gives their students the opportunity to participate in several productions. In immersion in the rehearsal process, in contact with conductors and members of the orchestra as well as the choir, the students can thus familiarise themselves with their future profession and all its particularities.

During the 2023-2024 season, instrumentalists from the Conservatoire royal de Liège and IMEP contributed to the productions of Puccini, 100 years of heritage (concert), Falstaff, Romeo & Juliet (ballet), Pelleas & Mélisande or also Patiente mon cœur (for young audiences). In addition, on Sunday 11 February 2024, our Orchestra, conducted by Ayrton Desimpelaere, performed in the Salle du Grand Manège (Namur) to accompany the winners of the Concours International d’Art Lyrique de Namur (CIALN) organised by the IMEP.

For the 2024-2025 season, the collaboration between the Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège and the Conservatoire royal de Liège plus the IMEP will be renewed for several productions.

Opéra Studio