Thanks to its punters, who play responsibly and for small sums of money, the National Lottery redistributes a considerable part of its income to companies in the form of subsidies for projects and organisations with a sporting, social and/or cultural vocation, such as the Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège.

In this way, the National Lottery provides valuable support to initiatives and projects initiated by the Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège to try and reach the biggest possible audience and encourage the emergence of young talent.

Every season, this priceless contribution really makes a difference and helps the Opera to achieve its objectives of awareness creation and the encouragement of excellence.

A big thank you to the National Lottery and all the people who buy its tickets, for contributing to the success of our International Opera Orchestra Director Competition and supporting, among other things, our Open Days or the “Another Don Juan” project.  #BIENPLUSQUEJOUER