Production :
Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège
The story
In Bologna, in the 18th century, a rich merchant, Geronimo, wishes to marry his daughter to Count Robinson in order to enter into the circle of nobility. However, the beautiful Carolina has already secretly married the man she loves, namely young clerk Paolino. A series of hilarious twists follows which, after many surprises and compromises, end up leaving a smile on everybody’s faces.
Bis Repetita Placent
When Cimarosa arrived in Vienna in 1791, he immediately obtained the position of Kapellmeister (chapel-master of music), previously coveted by Mozart. In his wake, he drew on the formidable and multiple skills he acquired in Naples and the major successes garnered in Saint Petersburg. The first performance of Il Matrimonio segreto in the empire’s capital was a triumph. The Emperor, Leopold II, hardly renowned for his musical tastes, demanded an immediate encore… of the entire opera! Its success was unfailing. The comedy was performed more than one hundred times in 1792 and no less than seventy performances took place in Vienna. The adventures of Paolino and Carolina have since been translated into twelve languages and performed throughout the world, as far as India!
The recipe for such success, which has continued to the present day, can be found in a plot that has no reason to envy the Commedia dell’Arte as well as in the sublime beauty of the singing and music. They express the very essence of giocoso theatre in which the caricature of the protagonists heralds the energy of Rossini’s opera buffa. A moment of absolute happiness!
Il Matrimonio segreto will also be produced at Palais des Beaux-Arts of Charleroi on wednesday 7th of November 2018 at 8pm.
Representations are given as part of VOORire Festival.

Introduction to performances: curtain-raisers
All the opera performances are preceded by an educational introduction open to all. They take place 30 minutes before the start of the performance, in the company of an opera specialist to provide a pertinent presentation of the work.